About this item
- 🌈 SIMPLE YET ELEGANT LOOK- Nailhead-trimmed upholstery, clear and clean lines make these parsons chairs a relaxed yet polished style that’s just right for your home décor.
- 🌈 SELECTED MATERIAL- Environment-friendly, breathable and linen-look fabric, solid and engineered wood frame, and durable wood rubber legs for long time use, footpads to prevent scracthing your floor.
- 🌈 BUIT TO BE COMFORT- Upholstered dining room chairs have thick cushioned seats and padded back supports, which make you more enjoyable and comfortable.
- 🌈 VERSATILE- This style side dining chairs can go effortlessly pleasing with any traditional, modern or industrial tables – undoubtedly making it a nice furniture piece for home or other other ceremonial decorations.
- 🌈 EASY TO ASSEMBLY AND EASY TO MOVE- Just need minor assembly. Our chairs for dining room are relatively lightweight, making them more convenient to transport and move around the space.
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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned elements so they can take up space.
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Margin-top = (heroHeight – cardHeight – logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight
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Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize itself so all cards take the width of the largest card.
The left margin is for leaving a space between each card.
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